Simulation tool Fluvius guides customers to right price brings connection fees closer to the customer

Solar panels, heat pumps, electric driving, digital meters ... . A growing number of Flemish customers are embracing the energy transition. Sometimes this choice also requires adjustments to the electricity or natural gas connection. New construction or extensive renovations may even require a completely new connection. In either case, it is understandable that consumers would like to know what the costs will be. With just a few clicks in our simulation tool at they now get an immediate answer to this question.

There are numerous situations where a connection modification is needed or a new connection needs to be installed. When someone buys an electric car and wants to charge it at home, they may need to increase their residential supply. During renovations, a customer may wish to place the gas meter in a different location, or have the connection removed entirely.

Previously, customers had to sift through a long list of tariffs, approved annually by the Flemish Electricity and Gas Market Regulator (VREG), to know how much it would cost. Many customers also struggled to interpret that information correctly. Most have little to no technical background and often do not understand the difference between power and voltage, for example.

Instant online search and application

Fluvius is now introducing a user-friendly tool that allows for quick costing of desired work. The rate tool helps clients through complex situations. Through a series of questions they are guided to the appropriate rate. If necessary, the user receives additional information to make the right choice. Currently, about 120 customers per day are already using the tool, and almost 95 percent of them immediately receive the correct rate for the requested modification or installation.

What makes the tool even more convenient is that once the customer is informed of the cost of the connection or modification, they can also immediately submit an application online.

In some situations, the tool may not provide the right answer immediately, especially when important information is needed that the customer may not have immediately at hand. For example, not everyone is sure whether there is a 230- or 400-volt network in the street. But that's not a problem: Fluvius staff will look up the missing information themselves and send the customer a customized quote.

Digital campaign highlights tool

The pricing tool will be highlighted through the online "Wakosta?" campaign, which will launch on various social media platforms starting Feb. 16. The campaign focuses on recognizable examples of situations consumers face.


Björn Verdoodt

Björn Verdoodt

Corporate woordvoerder, Fluvius


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