Fluvius reaches milestone 50% public LED

600 000 streetlights already equipped with LED

Grid operator Fluvius is on track to replace all streetlights with LED lighting by 2028. Of the 1.2 million bulbs, meanwhile 600 000 - that's half - equipped with LED. The change to LED lights will provide an energy savings of as much as 30 percent - or 30,876 tons of CO2 - compared to 2015, when LED lighting was introduced.

Fluvius is working hard on tomorrow's networks to meet the energy and climate goals. In light of this ambition, Fluvius is supporting all cities and towns in Flanders to make the lighting parks more purposeful, energy efficient and sustainable. The grid company does this by resolutely opting for LED. The target is to replace all street lights with LED lighting by the end of 2028. This will not only large energy savings, but also a significant reduced CO2-emissions.

Fluvius will convert 130,000 lighting fixtures annually over the next few years.
Fluvius will convert 130,000 lighting fixtures annually over the next few years.

Accelerated decay

At the request of local governments, Fluvius decided in 2022 to accelerate the LED roll out from 2030 to 2028. As a result, in the coming years Fluvius will annually convert 130 000 lighting fixtures, which is a notable increase from the 100 000 fixtures in recent years.

"In Hoogstraten we are also working on an ambitious climate action plan. The replacement of our street lighting is an important part of this. It is not just about energy-efficient LED lamps: we are also adapting the burning hours of the lighting, without losing sight of safety. By the end of 2028 you will also only find LED lamps in Hoogstraten and our lighting costs will have been reduced by 50%." Marc Van Aperen, mayor of Hoogstraten
"The cooperation with Fluvius is going very well. The initial goal was to complete the LED roll out by 2030. This goal has now been brought forward to 2028. The achievement of 50% is of course important: we already save a lot of energy. By dimming the lights after a certain hour, we save energy without sacrificing the comfort of our residents." Philip Himpe, alderman of Public Works Waregem
"The LED roll out has nothing but advantages. It is the way forward both economically and environmentally. Moreover, thanks to smart technology we can better respond to the lighting needs of citizens. In Deinze we have now passed the 50% mark. By 2027-2028 we hope to reach the full 100 %." Johan Cornelis, first alderman Deinze
Lara Lammens

Lara Lammens

Corporate Woordvoerder, Fluvius


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